Luxury-smooth Parallax Effect that YOU control!
Get ready to add that finesse to your web design. Instant gradient overlay, tints and parttern overlays included.
About Us Section
About Us.->
Straight-shootin’ Design Psychos
Salvia vape blue bottle bespoke wolf celiac quinoa cloud bread letterpress hammock photo booth. Palo santo vexillologist venmo shaman pitchfork tote bag.
Salvia vape blue bottle bespoke wolf celiac quinoa cloud bread letterpress hammock photo booth. Palo santo vexillologist venmo shaman pitch tote bag.
Animated Counters
Apps Developed
Did We Mention Video Parallax?
Yes, EVERY Darkstar Section comes with parallax image and parallax video background options!
Apps Developed
Call to Action ∙ CTA
A uniquely styled call to action with enough change to get attention and yet still subtle and polished.
Contact Us Section
Fully working contact and subscribe form systems with Darkstar style. Find out more in Elements > Forms in the menu.
Let's Start Creating
Want to start a project of this caliber but don't know where to start? Praesent libero. Sed cursus ante dapibus diam. Sed nisi. Nulla quis sem at nibh elementum imperdiet.
Featured Project/Product Section
Portfolio Design Project
Salvia vape blue bottle bespoke wolf celiac quinoa cloud bread letterpress hammock photo booth. Palo santo vexillologist venmo shaman pitchfork tote bag.
OPEN PROJECTFeatures Section - Parallax
There are no boundaries.
Salvia vape blue bottle bespoke wolf celiac quinoa cloud bread letterpress hammock photo booth. Palo santo vexillologist venmo shaman.
There are no boundaries.
Salvia vape blue bottle bespoke wolf celiac quinoa cloud bread letterpress hammock photo booth. Palo santo vexillologist venmo shaman.
There are no boundaries.
Salvia vape blue bottle bespoke wolf celiac quinoa cloud bread letterpress hammock photo booth. Palo santo vexillologist venmo shaman.
There are no boundaries.
Salvia vape blue bottle bespoke wolf celiac quinoa cloud bread letterpress hammock photo booth. Palo santo vexillologist venmo shaman.
There are no boundaries.
Salvia vape blue bottle bespoke wolf celiac quinoa cloud bread letterpress hammock photo booth. Palo santo vexillologist venmo shaman.
There are no boundaries.
Salvia vape blue bottle bespoke wolf celiac quinoa cloud bread letterpress hammock photo booth. Palo santo vexillologist venmo shaman.
Salvia vape blue bottle bespoke wolf celiac quinoa cloud bread letterpress hammock photo booth. Palo santo vexillologist venmo shaman pitchfork tote bag.
Features Section - Half-screen Style
Just an Awesome features section.
With emphasized Headings.
Beautiful design form
Beautiful design form
Beautiful design form
Features Section - Image Style
Just an Awesome features section.
Clean & beautiful image features.
Beautiful design form
Salvia vape blue shaman.
Beautiful design form
Salvia vape blue shaman.
Beautiful design form
Salvia vape blue shaman.
Beautiful design form
Salvia vape blue shaman.
Beautiful design form
Salvia vape blue shaman.
Beautiful design form
Salvia vape blue shaman.
Features Section V2 - Full Row
Clean & beautiful image features.
Beautiful design form
Beautiful design form
Beautiful design form
Beautiful design form
Beautiful design form
Beautiful design form
Parallax Icon Boxes
With 1500+ icons to choose from in the DarkStar custom IcoMoon font.
DarkStar Style Icon Boxes
Parallax Icon Boxes V2
Features-style Icon Boxes
There are no boundaries.
Salvia vape blue bottle bespoke wolf celiac quinoa cloud bread letterpress hammock photo booth. Palo santo vexillologist venmo shaman.
There are no boundaries.
Salvia vape blue bottle bespoke wolf celiac quinoa cloud bread letterpress hammock photo booth. Palo santo vexillologist venmo shaman.
There are no boundaries.
Salvia vape blue bottle bespoke wolf celiac quinoa cloud bread letterpress hammock photo booth. Palo santo vexillologist venmo shaman.
Parallax Icon Boxes V3
Features-style Icon Boxes with Gradient Icons
There are no boundaries.
Salvia vape blue bottle bespoke wolf celiac quinoa cloud bread letterpress hammock photo booth. Palo santo vexillologist venmo shaman.
There are no boundaries.
Salvia vape blue bottle bespoke wolf celiac quinoa cloud bread letterpress hammock photo booth. Palo santo vexillologist venmo shaman.
There are no boundaries.
Salvia vape blue bottle bespoke wolf celiac quinoa cloud bread letterpress hammock photo booth. Palo santo vexillologist venmo shaman.
Parallax Image Boxes V1
Original style Image Boxes.

Elegant & Stylable Image Boxes

Auto Grid when adding items

Subtle and Beautiful Design
Parallax Image Boxes V2
Image Boxes with paragraph text.
Parallax Image Boxes V3
Parallax Image Boxes V4
And many, many more variations
Frameless Image Boxes
Laptop Section
Custom "React to Mouse" Parallax Section with beautiful Laptop PSD Mockup Included.
<- mockup.
Premium Photoshop Included
Salvia vape blue bottle bespoke wolf celiac quinoa cloud bread letterpress hammock photo booth. Palo santo vexillologist venmo shaman pitchfork tote bag.
OPEN PROJECTParallax Text Section, Move Your Mouse!
Two types of parallax here. One reacts to mouse movement and the other on scroll.
<-.Mirror Us
Straight-shootin' Design Psychos
Salvia vape blue bottle bespoke wolf celiac quinoa cloud bread letterpress hammock photo booth. Palo santo vexillologist venmo shaman pitchfork tote bag.
Parallax Images Section
Instant parallax images - wherever, whenever!
Instant parallax images
With just two elements create flawless parallax effects.
Any image, any size, anywhere you like! Salvia vape blue bottle bespoke wolf celiac quinoa cloud bread letterpress hammock photo booth. Palo santo vexillologist venmo shaman pitchfork tote bag.
Perfect modern sections
With just two elements create flawless parallax effects.
Any image, any size, anywhere you like! Salvia vape blue bottle bespoke wolf celiac quinoa cloud bread letterpress hammock photo booth. Palo santo vexillologist venmo shaman pitchfork tote bag.
Parallax Videos Section
Yes! Instant parallax videos as well!
Parallax Videos
Instant parallax videos now with incredible smoothness
Any image, any size, anywhere you like! Salvia vape blue bottle bespoke wolf celiac quinoa cloud bread letterpress hammock photo booth. Palo santo vexillologist venmo shaman pitchfork tote bag.
Partners Section
Parallax Rings Section
With optional Color-changer Class which automatically changes colors.
Move Your Mouse Now!
focus on your goals and exectute creativity infused massive leap in design to reach it
Move Your Mouse Now!
focus on your goals and exectute creativity infused massive leap in design to reach it
Parallax Skills Section
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer nec odio. Praesent libero. Sed cursus ante dapibus diam.
Quality Brand Building
Graphic & Web Design
Marketing & social
Video Production
Salvia vape blue bottle bespoke wolf celiac quinoa cloud bread letterpress hammock photo booth. Palo santo vexillologist venmo shaman pitchfork tote bag.
Parallax Testimonials Section
Us & The People We've Worked With.
Salvia vape blue bottle bespoke wolf celiac quinoa cloud bread letterpress hammock photo booth. Palo santo vexillologist venmo shaman pitchfork tote bag.
Lana Starlords
Our CEO & Founder
Salvia vape blue bottle bespoke wolf celiac quinoa cloud bread letterpress hammock photo booth. Palo santo vexillologist venmo shaman pitchfork tote bag.
Mary J. Blidge
Laravel Developerette